My story is different. My story starts with Jesus…a girl brought up in a church. A daughter of a Pastor. A happy home and childhood most kids would dream of. But as I grew up I tried to do life on my own. Now don’t get me wrong, I had been baptized, I still attended church, and even read my bible from time to time… but there was a major difference…in “being a christian” and truly surrendering my life to God. My life was a painful struggle of a girl trying to fit in where she didn’t belong. I was searching for the acceptance and approval of others, even if it meant compromising my morals. Sex. Drugs. Deception. I was ashamed of who I was. I was full of anxiety, stress and worry. I was a control freak trying to do life without God. My lowest point came when I was a new mom, diagnosed with a rare debilitating autoimmune disease, all while my husband who had been struggling with PTSD and mental illness was hospitalized. My body was attacking itself, my family was breaking down and my heart was broken. And for the first time in my life, I truly surrendered to Jesus. In that time God granted me with such grace and a peace that truly surpassed all understanding. It was not easy, but I wasn’t in it alone. God gave me wisdom, courage, and strength. For the first time in my life I felt worthy because I truly believed that I was the daughter of the King, I was loved and no matter what storm came… he would be there holding me up until it passed. My relationship with the Lord truly transformed my life. I no longer felt the need to be someone that I was not. I felt free. I felt saved…I was saved by grace.

1 comment
I’m so proud of you! Being vulnerable, transparent and honest about your story will give people hope that they too can come out of the darkness of shame and embrace the loving goodness of God! (That just made me think of the song “Coming out of the Dark!”)